Dienstag, 20. Januar 2015

Facebook Art Jewelry Challenge 3

This is my Day 3 design in the Facebook Art Jewellery Challenge that I got from Manuela Flisi.

This challenge was initiated by Donna Greenberg and the rules are simple: post one of your jewellery pieces on your Facebook page, one per day, for 5 days in a row (doesn't need to be new, can be a design you made in the past) and nominate another artist each day to continue this challenge.

Bevor ich meine Leidenschaft für die kleinen Rocailles entdeckt habe, habe ich am Brenner große Glasperlen gewickelt. Damals habe ich nicht daran gedacht, meine Perlen zu fotografieren und es liegen mir nur Bilder von diesen beiden Ketten vor.

Before I discovered my passion for small seed beads, I made lampwork beads. At that time I did not think to take pictures of my beads and I only have pictures of these two necklaces.

I nominate Zoya Gutina.

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